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Ireland, Herbert HenrySapper4911180th Tunnelling Coy, R Eng
Jackson, SamuelPrivate360872808th A. E. Co
     formerly314394th Northamptons
Jacobs, ArthurNorthants Yeomanry
James, WilliamPrivate418592nd Essex
     formerly227281st Northamptons
Jarvis, EdgarPrivate181511st Northamptons
Jarvis, George Edwin308493rd Queens (R West Surreys)
Jarvis, W
Jeffkins, James HerbertPrivate9/6164Suffolks
     formerly33451Yorks & Lancs
     formerly531287th Yorkshires
Jervis, Arthur HoracePrivate230496th Northamptons
Johnson, Alfred Sid/StanDriver8938332nd Coy, Machine Gun Corps
Johnson, GeorgePrivateNorthamptons
Johnson, John2nd Pte96392Royal Air Force
Jones, HoracePrivate2020642nd Essex
Jones, John WilliamCorporal22211R.C.C. Royal Engineers
Keeley, Thomas HenryPrivate181609th Northumberlands
Kilborn, Frederick KTrooper1518Lifeguards
     formerly5623Guards Machine Gun Regiment
Kilborn, Sydney GeorgePrivate23116Royal Army Medical Corps
Kirk, ArthurPrivate13141Northamptons
Kirk, Frederick JPrivate183327th Northamptons
Kirk, George HenryPrivate974389th Essex
Knight, CecilPrivate78681st Northamptons
Knight, Ernest Arthur12846741st Coy, Machine Gun Corps
Knight, ThomasPrivate3rd/4th Northamptons
Knight, William PackPrivate528115578th E. Co
Knighton, ArthurPrivate407422nd Royal Inniskillings
Knighton, George WilliamPioneer237993Royal Engineers
Knighton, HughPrivate97438229th Coy, Machine Gun Corps
Knighton, John HenryPrivate3/106671st Northamptons
     formerly30023rd Northamptons
Knighton, LesliePrivate27512Northamptons
Knighton, LesliePrivate13519112/13 Coys, R A Medical Corps
Lack, Arthur178298Royal Garrison Artillery
Lack, Ralph113686Royal Air Force
Lack, ThomasPrivate407502nd Scottish Rifles
     formerlyRoyal Field Artillery
Lack, WalterPrivate494441st Rifle Brigade
     formerly6510416th Kings Royal Rifle Corps
     formerly      TR138157253rd Rifle Brigade
Lansom, GeraldL/Sgt2029725th Ox and Bucks
Lansom, HughL/Cpl188972ROD, Royal Engineers
Lansom, RichardL/Cpl13174Northamptons
Law, Leonard MartinPrivate550726Labour Corps
Lawman, Arthur SidneyPrivate214494Remounts, Army Service Corps
     formerly14964th Northamptons
Lawman, HaroldPrivate18346Army Service Corps
Lawman, JesseL/Cpl2028271st Norfolks
Lawman, WalterPrivateArmy Service Corps
Lawman, Walter ErnestPrivate183475th Northamptons
Lawrence, FrederickPrivateArmy Service Corps
Lawrence, HerbertPrivate417531st South Staffordshires
Lawrence, HoracePrivate1257929Royal Fusiliers
     formerly588558Labour Corps
     formerly1875Northants Yeomanry
Lawrence, Horace203113K.O.R.L.
Lawrence, John Henry2054502nd Norfolks
Lawrence, Sidney Alfred1st Pte224056Royal Air Force
Lawrence, Walter Harold2nd AM48672Royal Air Force
Layton, Charles WilliamPrivate582606th Northamptons
     formerly3086Machine Gun Corps
Lee, Harold Leon GeorgeSergt108279Meteorological Dept, R Eng
Lee, John WesleyL/Sgt205822Royal Bucks Hussars
Lilley, Walter JohnPrivate22870Army Veterinary Corps
Lillyman, JackPrivate12647032nd Coy, Machine Gun Corps
     formerlyRoyal Engineers
Litchfield, Albert George HPrivate74011Labour Corps
Loasby, GeorgePrivate7th Northamptons