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Several campaign medals were issued during the Great War and an individual's entitlement was determined by the service they were a member of and where and when they served. Here we list the medals known to have been awarded to Raunds men and women.

Gallantry decorations are also noted here but are listed separately in our "Roll of the Decorated"  

Revitt, ARfnR/409813th Kings Royal Rifle Corps1415WARVICT
Reynolds, CGnr182441Royal Horse / Field ArtilleryWARVICT
Reynolds, F HPte171465MT / ASCWARVICT
Reynolds, HPte176257th Northamptons1415WARVICT
Rice, BPte64179Machine Gun CorpsWARVICT
Rice, DFus689588th Royal FusiliersWARVICT
Rice, HPteG149407th Royal West SurreysWARVICT
Rich, SPte40644th Northamptons1415WARVICT
Richards, APte108955Royal FusiliersWARVICT
Richards, C EPte2058247th NorthamptonsWARVICT
Richards, LGnr96830Tank CorpsWARVICT
Richards, R WPte201801st NorfolksWARVICT
Richards, W EPte95812nd Northamptons1914WARVICTCLASP
Roberts, BPte91784Durham Light InfantryWARVICT
Roberts, VPte6785232nd Coy, Machine Gun CorpsWARVICT
Robins, CPte40814th Northamptons1415WARVICT
Robinson, H LPte65486th Australian Imperial Forces1415WARVICT
Robinson, J HCpl86625th Northamptons1914WARVICTCLASP
Robinson, J WPte240625682 Agricultural Coy, Labour CorpsWARVICT
Robinson, W JDvr397112nd DAC, Royal Field Artillery1914WARVICT
Rollings, PLCpl326080Royal ScotsWARVICTMM
Rollings, OPte185087Army Service CorpsWARVICT
Rooksby, EPte6173762nd/19th LondonsWARVICT
Rooksby, JPte21104th Northamptons1415WARVICT
Ruff, H WPte2193415th A C CWARVICT
Sanders, HPte163696MT / ASCWARVICTSWB
Sanders, J RPte427987th West YorksWARVICTSWB
Sanders, RCpl269716MT / ASCWARVICT
Sansome, A JPte2701056th ManchestersWARVICTMM
Saunders, John ThomasPte208685th NorthamptonsWARVICT
Shallow, G FPteG21927East Kents - The BuffsWARVICT
Shelmerdine, H L GSgt Mjr40215Royal Engineers1415WARVICTMID
Shrives, F HPte2050547th NorthamptonsWARVICT
Shrives, F WPte23126Royal Army Medical CorpsWARVICT
Sibley, HDvr211238Royal Field ArtilleryWARVICT
Skelly, J WSgtCH13961st Royal Marine Light InfantryWARVICT
Smart, A GSgt427111Labour CorpsWARVICT
Smith, APte508778th Royal FusiliersWARVICT
Smith, A CSgtSE4317Army Veterinary Corps1415WARVICT
Smith, EPte139381Machine Gun CorpsWARVICT
Smith, PPte98411st Northamptons1914WARVICTCLASP
Smith, RPte385379th EssexWARVICT
Smith, SidneyCpl2011014th EssexWARVICT
Smith, SydneyPte508737th Royal FusiliersWARVICT
Smith, W HPte83309Machine Gun CorpsWARVICT
Smith, W J APte89350107th Coy, Machine Gun CorpsWARVICT
Spencer, E SCpl2952551st LondonsWARVICT
Spicer, FPte53371215th LondonsWARVICT
Spicer, JPte106730122nd Coy, Machine Gun CorpsWARVICT
Spriggs, C H Pte300685th Royal InniskillingsWARVICT
Spriggs, GPte679922Labour CorpsWARVICT
Spriggs, TSgt Maj3/8440Northamptons1415WARVICT
Standen, T RSpr496839Royal EngineersWARVICT
Stapleton, APte12525Northamptons1415WARVICT
Stock, BPte8939311th Coy, Machine Gun CorpsWARVICT
Stock, HPte45221/4 Seaforth HighlandersWARVICT
Stock, WCpl202978South StaffordsWARVICT
Streather, R Spr231790Royal EngineersWARVICT
Stringer, E Cpl95972nd Northamptons1914WARVICTMM CLASP
Stringer, J GPte3/111076th Northamptons1415WARVICT
Stubbs, HPte224529th Royal SussexWARVICT
Stubbs, P ERfnR1863116th Kings Royal Rifle CorpsWARVICT
Summerly, A CPte324244th NorthamptonsWARVICT
Summers, ADvr14426937th Div Train, Army Service Corps1415WARVICT
Sykes, V HACpt(626)Machine Gun Corps1415WARVICT
Talbot, GPte155104th Northamptons1415WARVICT
Tanner, PPte89394Machine Gun CorpsWARVICT
Tanner, S APte66377207th Coy, Machine Gun CorpsWARVICT
Tansley, T EPte271981Royal Field Artillery1415WARVICT
Taylor, WPte65893Machine Gun CorpsWARVICT
Thurlow, G WPteG9661020th MiddlesexWARVICT
Tidbury, F SPte638993Labour Corps1415WARVICT
Titchmarsh, FPte291792Northumberland FusiliersWARVICT
Tomlin, F WPte6418536th Coy, Machine Gun CorpsWARVICT
Tomlin, T APte219036Royal BerkshiresWARVICT
Twelftree, SPte281313Motor Transport, Army Service CorpsWARVICT
Twelftree, W HPte2658991st Hertfordshires1415WARVICT
Vorley, C ALt11th Royal SussexWARVICT
Vorley, H RPte7251027Royal Army Medical CorpsWARVICTGSM & IRAQ CLASP
Vorley, J WPteMS3313Motor Transport, Army Medical Corps1415WARVICT