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In addition to the 128 men from the town known to have died during the Great War, the newspapers also reported on men sick or wounded.

We list below in alphabetical order, all men reported to be "out of action" for various reasons, including men who may have lost their lives at a later date, but not from the wounds or sickness detailed here. These later victims are in bold type:  

      NAMERANK  NO       UNIT          DETAILS DATE
Abbott, RalphLCplGassed041018
Adams, APteNorthantsWounded in gas attack210716
Agutter, HPteSussexWounded190418
Allen, ArthurPte42965MiddlesexWounded240518
Allen, HenryPte50496MiddlesexWounded161117
Allen, JPte40956Royal DublinsWounded231117
Andrews, AlbertPte181753rd NorthantsWounded070716
Archer, RolandPte181521st NorthantsChest wounds250915
Arnold, HerbertPte42278N'thumberlandsGunshot in thigh & shrapnel in finger190418
Arnold, LewisPte227132nd NorthantsWounded310518
Brawn, GeorgePte184598th NorthantsWounded180118
Brown, John GeorgePte27588Ox & Bucks L IWounded010218
Burgin, JackPte184544th NorthantsWounded290916
     ditto  "   "      dittoWounded240518
Burton, ArthurACpl75437th NorthantsWounded010916
Clarke, Arthur HPte185016th NorthantsWounded in knee070716
     ditto  "   "      dittoWounded100518
Clarke, C H Pte43113BedfordsWounded010617
Coles, George HPte6569812th Royal FusiliersWounded161117
Coles, WilliamCpl182593rd NorthantsWounded160317
Corby, W APteNorthantsWounded right side of head and face150417
Cox, Ralph WPte30575NorthantsShrapnel wounds in neck050418
     ditto  "   "     dittoWounded020718
Cuthbert, James APte80951st NorthantsWounded 7 times between 1916 & 18130918
Dix, Frederick WPte38610Royal West KentsWounded in both hands270918
Edwards, James WmLCpl2007474th NorthantsDysentery/enteritis in Dardenelles
    ditto   "    "      dittoWounded in Palestine110517
Esscom, LPte204778NorthantsWounded070917
Farrar, RegPteColdstreamsSevere head wounds291216
Felce, William WPteG14431The BuffsWounded in both shoulders060918
Finding, HoracePte25134NorthantsWounded in left leg011216
Finding, WilliamPte19851NorthantsWounded310817
Flavell, Ernest JohnPte42669613th QuebecsWounded290916
Gates, ErnestPte3rd NorthantsWounded280716
Gates, FredSgt169726th NorthantsWounded280716
Gates, Walter CPte158176th NorthantsSeverely wounded280716
HallSgtNorthantsIn hospital011214
Harris, ErnestPte26632The BuffsWounded181018
Harrison, ArthurPteSuffolksMachine gun bullet through the leg251018
Hasseldine, HoracePte345522nd LeicestersWounded281217
Hasseldine, JohnGnr90253289 Coy, MGCSlightly wounded301117
Hazeldine, Andrew WPte122730MGCSprained ankle100518
Heath, Richard RPte179583rd NorthantsShrapnel wounds250816
Horner, Arthur ErnestPte234034th EssexGunshot wounds in right ankle031117
Hunt, L RPteNorthantsShattered left leg from gunshot wounds291118
Hyde, HoracePte78873Royal FusiliersSevere wounds in both legs041018
James, WilliamPte41859EssexWounded  & Gunshot wound in thigh010616 & 260418
Johnson, Alfred SPte89383MGCGunshot wound in leg???
Johnson, GeorgePteNorthantsRheumatism071217
Jones, HoracePte2020642nd EssexWounded231117
Kilborn, Frederick KTrpr1515Royal Horse GuardsWounded061114
Kirk, Arthur EPte13141NorthantsShrapnel wounds in back271016
Knighton, LesliePte27512NorthantsLeg wounds230317
Lanson, RichardLCpl13174NorthantsTwice wounded290318
Lawman, Arthur SPte14961st/4th NorthantsHospitalised with wounds171215
Lawman, HaroldPte18346ASCBullet in right shoulder070716
Lee, Leon George HSgt108279Meteorological DeptSciatica080916
Manning, SidneyPte271784th NorthantsWounded160317
     ditto  "   "      dittoWounded010218
March, ArthurLCpl5326781st/15th LondonsWounded at Battle of Messines220617
March, William HaroldPte43479EssexShrapnel wounds in neck & shoulder + fractured collar bone271016
Matson, CecilPte40182CheshiresWounded280618
Mayes, Cyril CharlesPte2408154th YorkshiresHead wounds301117
Mayes, RalphPte225694ASCWounded110118
Morris, EPte7869NorthantsWounded310817
Moules, HarryGnr39353RGAGunshot wounds in head271016
Nash, DavidPte18305NorthantsWounded120117
Payne, HerbertPte35471Yorks & LancsWounded231117
Pettitt, WallaceLCpl78343429th LondonsGunshot wound from aeroplane301117
Reynolds, FrederickGnr17210RGAWounded050718
    ditto  "   "dittoGunshot wounds in back270918
Rice, BertPte6417921st MGCWounded200917
Richards, William EPte95811st NorthantsWounded in the arm271114
Richardson, George HPteCanadiansGunshot wounds in hand040517
Richardson, WalterPteCanadiansWounded040517
Richardson, WPteWounds to face and hand, left eye at risk190718
Robinson, John HenryLCpl86625th NorthantsWounded070917
Robinson, John WilliamPte189416th NorthantsGunshot wound in left leg010716
Smith, PercyPte98411st NorthantsSlightly wounded051114
Saddington, Thomas WilliamPte18176NorthantsGunshot wound/shrapnel wound in right shoulder120418
Stringer, ErnestPte95971st NorthantsWounded271114
Stringer, John GeorgePte3/111076th NorthantsSeverely wounded in left hand & left leg090317
Stubbs, HerbertPte202998NorthantsSeverely wounded in buttock and knee100817
Sykes, Horace RPteMT, ASCInvalided home with kidney trouble221015
Sykes, Vincent2LtSherwood ForestersWounded in head and arm081015
Talbot, GilbertPte155104th NorthantsWounded090818
Tidbury, Francis SamPte186065th NorthantsWounded110816
   ditto  "   "      dittoWounded310518
Titchmarsh, R "Fred"Pte96441NorthumberlandsWounded140618
Walker, FrankPte78920Royal FusiliersShrapnel wounds to left thigh & right hand130918
Walker, Horace LeonardPte54565Royal Garrison ArtilleryWounded, shell shock020816
Walker, RichardPte237308th Surreys ??Wounded 130918
Ward, Albert Ernest Drmr138893rd NorthantsShell shock110816
Webb, AlbertPteMGCGassed120418
Webster, GeorgePte427698th LincolnsWounded060918
Williamson, Francis JPte68047Royal West SurreysSeverely wounded in right leg and ankle270918
York, PeterPteYorkshiresWounded in upper hip120418
Young, WPteG13930The BuffsGunshot wound in head, fractured skull090818