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Several campaign medals were issued during the Great War and an individual's entitlement was determined by the service they were a member of and where and when they served. Here we list the medals known to have been awarded to Raunds men and women.

Gallantry decorations are also noted here but are listed separately in our "Roll of the Decorated"  

Maddock, L S BPte180064Royal Army Service CoprsWARVICT
Major, C APte309176th NorthamptonsWARVICT
Manning, SPte271784th NorthamptonsWARVICT
Mantle, J BPte15140Northamptons1415WARVICT
Mansbridge, C AGnr59621Royal Garrison ArtilleryWARVICTCdeG
March, ALCpl5326781st/15th LondonsWARVICT
March, F TSgt2351322nd LincolnsWARVICT
March, W HPte142005Machine Gun CorpsWARVICT
Martin, FGnr15377167th Siege Battery R G AWARVICT
Martin, HPte290115MiddlesexWARVICT
Masters, A C2Lt61 Training Squad, R F CWARVICT
Matson, AASgt2002024th Northamptons1415WARVICT
Matson, CPte40182CheshiresWARVICT
Matson, GPteM206239Army Service CorpsWARVICT
Matson, SCpl217430Army Service CorpsWARVICT
Matthews, CCpl66378207th Coy Machine Gun CrpsWARVICT
Mayes, A EGnr17275713th Siege Battery, R G AWARVICT
Mayes, C CPte86640Royal Defence CorpsWARVICT
Mayes, I HPteG117881st SussexWARVICT
Mayes, R FPte2017604th SuffolksWARVICT
Mayes, RPteM225694Army Serivce CorpsWARVICT
Medlock, G ASgt Maj3888550th Field, RAMC1415WARVICTMSM
Merrill, A WCSgtE139617th (Empire) Royal FusiliersWARVICT
Miles, AGnr70756Royal Garrison ArtilleryWAR
Miles, HPteGS78694Royal FusiliersWARVICT
Miller, F RGnr12243411th Brigade, Royal Field ArtlyWARVICT
Mills, CPteG862186th MiddlesexWARVICT
Minkley, L WPte408691st South StaffordshiresWARVICT
Mitchell, E SPte2028324th NorfolksWARVICT
Morris, EPte145686Northamptons1914WARVICTCLASP
Moules, HGnr39353RACD, Royal Garrision Artillery1914WARVICTCLASP
Moules, JPte3305581st Cambridgeshires1415WARVICT
Moules, WPte92901st/5th DurhamsWARVICT
Moulton, J GPteG26634East Kents, The BuffsWARVICT
Munn, HGnr154108Royal Field ArtilleryWARVICT