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Unveiled and dedicated on 10 May 1920 by the Archdeacon of Oakham, the Roll of Honour, situated in the south nave of the church, lists 100 names of men who died during the Great War, and, unlike the War Memorial, they are arranged alphabetically and by believed year of death.

The cost of the memorial was £150 and paid for by public donations collected by the organising committee chaired by the vicar, the Rev Cecil Curtis.

The inscription beneath the Roll reads "This Tablet was erected by the Parishioners of Raunds as a Thank Offering to Almighty God and in Grateful Remembrance of all those who from this Parish fell in the Great War 1914-1919. They died that we might live."

The full list of names inscribed on the Roll of Honour is as follows :

1914 : F Cuthbert

1915 : S Brayfield ; W Bottoms ; A Burrows ; W Chambers ; E Parker ; P Watson

1916 : R Archer ; J Ashby ; C Barrett ; A Bugby ; A Clark ; H Finding ; G B Flavell ; W E Lawman ; W Moule ; S F Nunley ; W E Richards ; P Smith ; P E Stubbs ; C A Vorley ; W Whiteman ; E Wood

1917 : S Allen ; J H Bamford ; T W Bamford ; A Clark ; C Clark ; J W Clark ; R Cobley ; L W Coles ; J W Elliott ; A Fairy ; S O George ; J S Gilbert ; A Groom ; H F Gunn ; G H Hall ; J Haxley ; A Hazeldine ; J B Higby ; R Higby ; A March ; H Nunley ; L B Nunley ; H Price ; C Reynolds ; H Rice ; W Richards ; H Richardson ; C Robins ; H Robinson ; W J A Smith ; J Spicer ; E Stringer ; F Warner ; A Webb ; J A Webb

1918 : H Allen ; W Andrews ; F Angood ; G Archer ; J Archer ; F Bailey ; T Ball ; H Bates ; J Bond ; H Bugby ; J Cooper ; W Damms ; R Driver ; E Ellingham ; R Frankham ; W H Groom ; B Heath ; A Knighton ; J Lawman ; H Lawrence ; A Masters ; N Mason ; C Mills ; L W Minkley ; F Norris ; G Orton ; W Payne ; J Pentelow ; R Pentelow ; F H Shrives ; R Smith ; S Smith ; C H Spriggs ; G W Thurlow ; G Webb ; G H Webb ; A Wheatley ; E White ; G J Whitmore ; E Wood

1919 : F A White ; L Whitney

Note : Again from our research to date, we believe that we have identified several spelling mistakes on names on the Roll of Honour, these will be highlighted once confirmed.