We are still seeking a photograph of every man listed in "A Wall Unto Us", our “Raunds Roll of Honour”. However, we have so far failed to find one for any of the following men:
World War 1
Oliver John Barritt ; James Bond ; William Bottoms/Cross ; William John Chapman ; Arthur Clarke ; Jack Chapman Coles ; John James Coles ; Ralph Driver ; Stanley Oswyn George ; Jasper Sydney Gilbert ; Charles Hall ; George Henry Hall ; Arthur Hazeldine ; Ralph Higby ; Cecil Knight ; Charles William Layton ; Charles Arthur Major ; Charles Mills ; Stanley Frederick Nunley ; Ernest Parker ; Frank Pentelow ; Jack Pentelow (died 1920) ; George Pettitt ; Henry Price ; Arthur Revitt ; Charles Reynolds ; Sydney Smith ; Albert Summers ; Raymond William Vallance ; Albert Webb ; Ernest White ; Samuel Whiteman ; Walter Whiteman ; Leonard Whitney ; Edward Willmott ; Ernest Wood ; John Wrighting ; William Wrighting
World War 2
Richard William Charlton ; Cyril George Dudley ; Edward Colin Duffy ; Edward Sidney Hastings ; Edward Randolph Hodson ; Harold Thomas Pentelow ; Ronald York
Can you help us? If so please contact Steve or Andy.